Mustcat Catamarán 3 Hrs Boat Trip

257 Reviews

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Enjoy one of our marvellous excursions setting sail from the small, authentic Canarian fishing village of Las Galletas across the Atlantic Ocean to discover the wonders of the sea and coastline in the South of Tenerife.Mustcat 3 Hours:Tenerife is one of only 3 places in the world which is home to pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins offering an excellent chance to see these magnificent mammals in their natural hábitat. In addition, we anchor in a small, secluded bay to swim and snorkel.Drinks are served throughout the excursion, with a choice of beer, wine or soft drinks and a snack is included.Mustcat 4.5 Hours:For those who love life at sea, join this longer cruise which includes the spectacular cliffs of Los Cristianos and Palmar, the opportunity to see the whales and dolphins and then on to La Caleta with the chance to see the giant turtles and swim and snorkel with them.Drinks are available throughout the excursion and a paella is served.Mustcat Chill-Out:This unique excursion heads outs across the Atlantic Ocean into the sunset whilst enjoying a glass or two of our Rum Punch or Cuba Libres. Sit back on the deck and relax to the subtle background music or enjoy an evening dip whilst our crew prepare a BBQ of grilled kebabs and salads.A selection of drinks are available throughout this excursion.Please note : The Chill-Out is not a whale and dolphin excursion however there is a chance that we may see them during the cruise.

Enjoy one of our marvellous excursions setting sail from the small, authentic Canarian fishing village of Las Galletas across the Atlantic Ocean to discover the wonders of the sea and coastline in the South of Tenerife. Mustcat 3 Hours: Tenerife is one of only 3 places in the world which is home to pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins offering an excellent chance to see these magnificent mammals in their natural hábitat. In addition, we anchor in a small, secluded bay to swim and snorkel. Drinks are served throughout the excursion, with a choice of beer, wine or soft drinks and a snack is included. Mustcat 4.5 Hours: For those who love life at sea, join this longer cruise which includes the spectacular cliffs of Los Cristianos and Palmar, the opportunity to see the whales and dolphins and then on to La Caleta with the chance to see the giant turtles and swim and snorkel with them. Drinks are available throughout the excursion and a paella is served. Mustcat Chill-Out: This unique excursion heads outs across the Atlantic Ocean into the sunset whilst enjoying a glass or two of our Rum Punch or Cuba Libres. Sit back on the deck and relax to the subtle background music or enjoy an evening dip whilst our crew prepare a BBQ of grilled kebabs and salads.A selection of drinks are available throughout this excursion. Please note : The Chill-Out is not a whale and dolphin excursion however there is a chance that we may see them during the cruise.








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It is included: Free bar Sunshade Snorkelling Equipment Fresh water showers On board complete guide and information about cetaceans in Tenerife´s water FREE transfer from the South area. Departure place: Las Galletas Harbour.  

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